I don’t know about you, but some of my best “a-ha” moments come in the middle of the night. I’ve heard of those that keep a notebook by their bed so that when these flashes of brilliance come to them, they can quickly write them down. Great idea, but that would also mean that I have to turn on a light to see what I’m writing. And I don’t think that would make Mr. SFV very happy. So instead, I just try to remember come morning, and then I write it down.
The other day I was working in my office and needed the dimensions for a graphic. It’s a size I use all the time, so one would think I’d just know what it is, but for some crazy reason those two little numbers just can’t seem to stick in my brain.
I’ve written it in my notebook, usually in the oddest of places.
I’ve written it on post-it notes and stuck it to my computer monitor.
I’ve written it on random scrap pieces of paper that are on my desk when I’m working on a project.
But it never fails … when I need those dimensions, NONE of those little notes can be found anywhere! They must be hiding with the scissors and nail clippers, since I can’t ever find those either.
So the other night, in a moment of pure sleepy bliss, a 2 x 4 knocked me on the head with this awesome idea.
Is that even possible?
It would make life so much easier since I’m on my computer most of the day and my Pinterest tab is almost always open.
There are things that I don’t want posted for the entire world to see
And wouldn’t I have to create a web image to “pin” it from?
The answer to these burning thoughts and questions is NO!
Recently, Pinterest opened up the ability to have an unlimited amount of secret boards (previously we were limited to three.) Secret boards are exactly that … secret. No one can see what is pinned on those boards except for the user that is signed in.
I’ve been an avid pinner for several years. I love to visit blogs and websites and pin inspiring photos and graphics. I also love to re-pin. In fact, if I’m to be brutally honest, composing this post took me twice as long as normal because I kept getting distracted with Pinterest awesomeness!
I always knew that you could visit websites, blogs, online stores, etc. and “pin” images from them. But it never occurred to me that I could pin images directly from my computer.
Today I’m going to show you step-by-step how to create a secret board and then upload an image directly from your computer to that board.
You’ll need a couple of things to follow along …
- Your own Pinterest account … if you don’t have an account, you can open one for FREE at Pinterest.com. Do that now .. then come back.
- A picture or graphic from your computer
Here we go!
Once you are logged in to Pinterest, click on your profile name …
Click on “Your Profiles & Pins” …
Click on the gray box on the left that says “Create a board” …
This will open up the “Create a Board” information screen …
STEP 1: Give your secret board a name (I named mine “My Secret Board”).
You can fill in the Description field if you’d like, but it’s not necessary. Category isn’t important either since this is a secret board.
STEP 2: Click on the button that asks “Keep it secret?” You want this to say YES.
STEP 3: Click on the red “CREATE BOARD” button
Congratulations! You’ve created a secret board!
Now we need to add an image to that board, but not just any image, an image from your computer.
Click on the gray box that says “Add a Pin” …
Click on the arrow that indicates that you are pinning from “Your Computer” …
A new box will pop up telling you to upload an image right from your computer. Click on “Choose Image” …
STEP 1: Find the folder and image you want to upload
STEP 2: Click “Open”
A new “Pick a board” box will pop up with a screenshot of your image on the right.
STEP 1: If you just created the secret board, then the name of that board should automatically populate the “Board” field. If not, scroll through your list to find the correct board. Make sure that your secret board has an icon of a padlock next to it.
STEP 2: Fill in a description. This can be as long as you want or as short as a “-“, but something needs to populate this field.
STEP 3: Click the “PIN IT” button.
Now you have a secret board with an image that only you can see.
So now you have a new secret board, or maybe you have a bunch. And maybe you have a couple of regular boards or a zillion. And you’re thinking, “I don’t want to have to scroll through all those boards to find my new secret board.”
Here’s a couple of things to note:
- Secret boards are always at the very bottom of your “Profiles and Pins” section.
- If you put a symbol in front of your board name, like “*My Secret Board,” your board will appear at the top of the list when pinning.
Here’s my favorite part, though.
Each board has a URL all its own … even your secret boards.
So if the pins you have in your secret board are ones you want to work with for a project, or need them for business, you can drag the URL to your bookmarks bar, and then, as long as you’re signed in to Pinterest, you can access that board directly.
I trust this step-by-step tutorial has been helpful to you. If nothing else, I’ll save a few trees!
Are you on Pinterest? I’d love for you to follow me!
Visit Simply Fresh Vintage’s profile on Pinterest.
Leave your Pinterest link in the comments and I’ll follow you too!